Transmission Jack Safety Tips

Every shop must have a transmission jack to install, remove, or move a transmission, transaxles or transfer case.  They are a great tool but proper usage will ensure safety and peak performance.  Always prioritize safety and be aware that these tips do not encompass all potential scenarios.

  • Before operation, diligently review and adhere to all safety and usage guidelines provided by the jack’s manufacturer.
  • Operate jacks exclusively on a firm, flat surface to ensure stability.
  • Abide by the weight limit specified for your transmission jack to avoid surpassing its capacity.
  • Always align the load evenly on the jack’s platform to prevent any damage to the jack’s internal mechanisms and to avoid malfunction.
  • Gently and gradually lower the jack, maintaining constant vigilance over the load’s alignment.
  • Reserve the use of most transmission jacks for the exclusive purposes of removing, fitting, and moving transmissions, transfer cases, and transaxles.
  • Refrain from using a transmission jack for vehicle lifting or stabilization; it is not a substitute for high-reach jack stands and is meant solely for specific vehicle parts.
  • When navigating a transmission on a jack within the workshop, proceed with caution, especially when turning, to prevent the load from becoming unstable. Maintain a safe distance from any hoisted loads.
  • Sustain your jack with the appropriate lubricant, like anti-wear hydraulic jack oil with a viscosity of 215 SUS at 100° F, as advised by the manufacturer, to avoid damaging the jack.
  • Avoid alterations to the jack or the use of unapproved adapters that are not provided by the jack’s manufacturer.
  • Ensure that no part of your body is positioned within the path or underneath the jack when it is in use.

Why Use Jack Stands?

  • OSHA Regulation – 1910.244(a)(2)(iii) mandates that once a load is elevated, it must be immediately stabilized with cribbing, blocking, or other securing methods.
  • Using a stand merely as a backup beneath the axle or frame in case the jack gives way isn’t the right application of the stand.
  • Jack stands aren’t built to handle abrupt or sudden weights.
  • Jacks aren’t intended to sustain a vehicle’s weight for prolonged periods.
  • During maintenance, it’s imperative to utilize jack stands to bear the entire weight of vehicles.

McGee Company carries a variety of jack stands from AFF, Norco, Ascot, and RPG.  Get yours today!

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